Entering Mild & Mellow’s apartment is so inspiring. There’s a cork board with all of Mild’s most recent photos pinned to it and there are books and more books, on every subject, pilled high in every direction. The biggest book on the very very top of the biggest pile, is a book about the seasons.
Q Mild, I see you have a very large book on the seasons. Do you think you have a favourite?
A Truly Welly, the Fall is mine. Short days, cool air, and poems to rhyme.
Q And Mild, what do you think you might bring if you could only bring 5 things with you to a desert island?
A On an island, you see, my sister with me, all I really need is my camera, my book and a comfortable tree.
Q And how does a Sunday morning look like at your house?
A After a puzzle, some tea, and a snack,
We often sit, back to back,
Reading to each other, just to keep track.
Q Mellow, I see you have a very large book on the seasons. Do you think you have a favourite?
A Honestly, Welly, the Autumn’s for me — the colours, the leaves and the library.
Q And Mellow, what do you think you might bring if you could only bring 5 things with you to a desert island?
A An island, you say? A good read and my brother is all that I need. Although a notepad and pencil would certainly be helpful.
Q And how does a Sunday morning look like at your house?
A After a puzzle, some tea, and a snack,
We often sit, back to back,
Reading to each other, just to keep track.
Q Thanks so much Mild & Mellow.
A Come back anytime.
>> Return to Meet the Cast to meet the other characters of Windy & friends
Having an apple picnic in the fall
Testing out rainbows
On set on Appisode 1. Windy's Lost Kite
A new dress for Mellow